15.11.2014 | John Roberts
hui, John Roberts? Ja genau, John Roberts!
Frisch eingeflogen aus dem entfernt benachbarten New York City.
Amsterdam, Frankfurt und Karlsruhe. Das sind die einzigen drei Dates von Mr. Roberts im Rahmen dieser kurzen Europastippvisite. Kann man mal machen, dachten wir uns und haben keine Kosten und Mühen gescheut und ihn zu uns ins Vanguarde eingeladen. Ach und live spielt er übrigens auch noch.
Außerdem freuen wir uns an diesem Abend auf die Locals HENDRIK VOGEL aus der > Fettschmelze / > Big Bait Records und den guten ROMAN MÜHLSCHLEGEL von Soul Estate > Soul Estate / > sinnmusik .
VVK 8€ + Online Gebühren
AK 10€
ein paar Worte about John Roberts:
John Roberts (b. 1984, Cleveland) was asked by Carsten Jost, Pantha Du Prince, and Lawrence to be the first American artist on the influential Dial Records imprint in 2008.
After releasing a string of successful 12″s on the label, he presented his debut album ‚Glass Eights‘ in 2010 to significant accolades, followed by ‚Fences‘ in 2013, which cemented his position as one of electronic music’s top innovators.
John is also one of the founders and editors of the print publication, The Travel Almanac, which examines temporary habitation from the perspective of artists, filmmakers, and musicians.
In 2015, he plans to release his third full-length album on Dial and the first 12″ for his own record label, Brunette Editions – an outlet for collaborative excursions with friends.
Roberts regularly performs in many of the world’s preeminent clubs and has been commissioned for remixes by noteworthy labels including Hyperdub, Rvng Intl., Spectral Sound, Mute Records, Young Turks and R&S Records.